The PGM leads a party to support the 145th Masonic Benevolent Festival, hosted by East Anglia
20th September 2013
Peter Connolly and Lynne, ably supported by Geoffrey Lee and Marion, Eric Drinkwater and Tegwen, and Giles Berkley and Sandra, travelled to Norwich on Friday 20th September to support the annual Mark Festival, this year hosted by the Mark Province of East Anglia.
The ladies in conference, with an upside-down map!
Geoff, Marion & Sandra obey the fire drill
The South did its best to keep us out! The M6, having heard of our intentions, was duly closed at J15. It did however clear just in front of our convoy - we were suitably impressed with Peter Connolly's influence.....The next hurdle was as a direct result of our Provincial Grand Secretary's legendary thirst for coffee, when Costa called. We stopped for a brief rest, and were promptly asked to leave the establishment (not for the first time for Giles & Sandra!). This time however it was due to a fire drill. We did spot a little sign which stated that the door underneath was not a fire escape route, and wondered if we might head straight for it when the alarm sounded, but thought better of it !   Having been successfully saved by a crowd of hi-vis staff, we safely negotiated our way outside and survived the ordeal, with Geoff clutching his hard-won coffee.
West Lancs Mark storms Norwich Castle
Geoff Lee happy to be with Mark friends
Without further delay we approached Dunston Hall just outside Norwich, a magnificent country hotel, surrounded by a golf course. The evening meal was a typically good-humoured Mark meal, with just a little wine, wonderful food, and the best of company.   Then an early night to prepare for the exertions of the next day. At breakfast, our PGM arrived armed with as many attraction leaflets as he could carry, and we made our plans for the day. His wishes that we should perhaps board a train were however dashed, as the stations were a little too far away.
We did however have a fascinating trip to Norwich, where the Castle proved to be a really special place to spend a few hours. It originally served to keep out the marauding Northern throng, but we got in anyway....Then it served as a prison for 500 years, but we got out anyway.....then back to the hotel for the coach trip back to Norwich for the main event of the weekend, the celebration dinner for the 145th Mark Benevolent Festival. The men wore their brand new West Lancs ties.
The new West Lancs tie looks great!
Tegwen, Marion, Lynne & Sandra
West Lancs gather for the Festival feast
The St. Andrews & Blackfriars Hall was the venue, looking for all the world like an ancient Abbey, joined to the dining room from Hogwarts. We naturally had Norfolk Turkey, which was bootiful.
An old mistreated relic, holding a bowl.
Two sugars please Sandra
The speeches were well received, in the presence of our Pro Grand Master, Benjamin Addy. Paul Norman, the PGM of East Anglia then announced the marvellous total of £572,197 in favour of various charities, which met with great acclaim. The night flew past, and we were once again back at the hotel, just in time for a nightcap. Or two.
Oh well.
Peter & Sandra admire Giles' new toga
Sunday morning saw half the party head back North, with Peter & Lynne, and Eric & Tegwen staying on for another day, this time with a plan to travel on boats and trains. Heaven for our PGM!
Sandra mounts a lone attack on Norwich castle
The happiness of a great weekend shows in our faces
The parting picture in front of the hotel amply demonstrates the happiness felt by us all, having spent a wonderful weekend enjoying ourselves, and supporting the Mark Benevolent Festival.

Words and story by Giles Berkley Prov.GSW